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Resolve your doubts with this page of frequently asked questions. For any questions or suggestions, please contact us through the form.

Devesa Gardens

Do the Bungalows have towels and sheets?

+ -

All our Bungalows are fully equipped with sheets and towels.

Do the Bungalows have soap, shampoo, and toiletries?

+ -

No, the Bungalows do not have amenities.

What are the check-in and check-out times for the bungalows?

+ -

Check-in at 5:00 PM, check-out at 12:00 PM.

What are the check-in and check-out times for the plots?

+ -

Check-in at 12:00 PM, check-out at 12:00 PM. Possibility of staying in the complex SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY.

Are there any services that are paid separately?

+ -

Most facilities and activities are included for guests, but there are some that are contracted separately, such as boat rides, minigolf, karts, tennis and paddle tennis courts, and equestrian activities.

Is there public transport to visit the city of Valencia?

+ -

Yes, at the entrance to the Resort is stop 25 of the EMT bus that goes to the center of Valencia, approximately from 07:00 AM to 10:00 PM.

Can you access the facilities for a day? How much does it cost?

+ -

Yes, the price varies depending on the season.

What does the day pass or ticket include?

+ -

Pool with slides, outdoor children's playground - Devesapark, farm, indoor playground - La Jungla, and animation activities (depending on the season).

Where can I check the animation schedule?

+ -

We update the animation program on our website every week. The program varies depending on the season. 

Where can I check the schedules of the facilities?

+ -

We update the opening hours of the facilities on our website every week. The opening hours vary depending on the season.


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