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Complaint channel

We want to hear you

If you are aware of any type of conduct that contravenes our code of ethics or our internal regulations, we ask you to let us know through the form. The complaint process will be managed by the Ethics Committee, an independent body whose main function is to receive, coordinate and supervise complaints received through designated channels. In addition, the Committee will carry out the necessary investigations, verify the veracity of the information provided and ensure the proper resolution of the cases, including, if appropriate, the imposition of sanctions.

Through the Whistleblowing Channel, you can report various irregularities or conduct that goes against the Code of Ethics and/or the Supplier's Code of Ethics, such as:
– Anti-competitive practices and market abuse
– Workplace harassment, sexual harassment or discrimination in the work environment
– Inappropriate behavior related to suppliers
-Money laundering and improper payments
-Confidentiality violations, insider trading, and threats to data security
-Conflicts of interest
– Irregularities in contracts, reports or accounting records
– Environmental impact and sustainability
-Safety, health and hygiene standards
-Cases of bribery, corruption and influence peddling
-Violations of human and labor rights
-Other forms of ethical breach

If you detect any of these situations, do not hesitate to use our Reporting Channel to inform us using this form:

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